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40 feet is the maximum recommended length for a horizontal cable system; however, additional lengths may be utilized as long as the cable and termination points can withstand the tension and load.
Do not exceed more than four feet between intermediate post for a horizontal cable to assure proper weight deflection if a person stood on the cable and no more than three feet for a vertical cable system.
Proper cable spacing should be 1" to 1 1/2" less than the local code. A 1/4" or 3/16" cable should be utilized horizontally or 1/8" or 3/16" for a vertical cable. A 1" × 19" or 7" × 7" type cable should be utilized.
The following corner designs are acceptable:
If pre-manufactured fittings are selected, the holes will need to be large enough for the fittings; however, if the fittings are installed on-site, the hole will only need to be large enough for the cable.